Not Contracted Again After Charging Overtime

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Casual receiving overtime

What is Overtime?

Overtime is work performed outside the ordinary hours listed in an honour, agreement or every bit specified in the contract of employment. Ordinary hours are an employee's normal and regular hours of work, which exercise non attract overtime rates.

Mostly, a full-time employee tin can work a maximum of 38 hours in a week unless an employer asks them to work reasonable extra hours. These extra hours will usually be payable every bit overtime, only there may be variations depending on the nature of the job and modern award, which may specify the maximum ordinary hours an employee can work per day or week, and times inside which the employee can work those ordinary hours.

Many awards define overtime is defined as work performed beyond the maximum number of daily and/or weekly hours, outside the daily span of ordinary hours (ie. 7.00am – 7.00pm), or exterior the agreed number of hours in the employment agreement.

The application of the to a higher place terms may apply to full-time, part-time and even coincidental employees.

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What Are Overtime Rates?

When an employee works overtime, they may be entitled to an overtime rate, which is may be higher than the ordinary rate. This volition depend upon the Modern Honour or Industrial Musical instrument which covers the employee. Every bit the rate of pay for overtime may differ depending on when it is worked, the applicative rate should also be specified in the respective award, registered understanding, or employment contract.

Such payments are intended to compensate employees for the inconvenience of having to work additional hours and provide reward for them doing so.

Overtime Rules

Each industry award and agreement has its own overtime rules, which dictate when overtime may be worked and when an overtime rate is applicable. Employers should be familiar with the overtime rules of their detail award, or else they could face up a dispute and be forced to pay back any money owed.

When Does An Overtime Charge per unit Apply?

An award, registered agreement or the employment contract will set out the overtime rate and when overtime rates employ, generally when working:

  • beyond the employee'southward ordinary hours of work
  • outside the agreed number of hours
  • exterior the 'spread' of ordinary hours.

An employer may non have to pay actress for 'reasonable' overtime if the employee is paid a college rate of pay to off-set award entitlements as expressed in their employment contract or registered agreement.

Some awards, registered agreements or employment contracts may allow an employee to take paid fourth dimension off instead of receiving overtime pay. This is commonly known as 'fourth dimension off in lieu'. If employers opt for this arroyo, information technology needs to be established in writing with the employee's consent and run into any award or understanding requirements.

Reasonable Overtime

The health and safety of an employee must be taken into account when asking them to work overtime. Working beyond a normal 38-hour working calendar week may increment the risk of personal injury, fatigue and work-related stress.

It is reasonable to ask an employee to piece of work overtime equally long as the following factors are considered:

  • whether there is whatever risk to the health and safety that specifically arises from the working of extra hours
  • the employee's personal state of affairs including, simply non limited to, their family responsibilities
  • the needs of the workplace
  • compensation for having worked the additional hours
  • discover given to the employee that they may exist required to work overtime
  • if the employee has previously stated they cannot work overtime
  • the usual patterns of work in the industry

An employee tin can only refuse to work overtime, if having considered the relevant factors above, the asking is unreasonable.

When considering whether the employee has received adequate bounty, you tin expect to any organisation whereby the employee is paid a college ordinary rate on the agreement they are required to work some overtime from fourth dimension-to-fourth dimension.

Get Workplace Advice At present

Want more than information on overtime? Phone call Employsure now on 1300 651 415 to larn more.

About Employsure

Employsure is ane of Australia's largest workplace relations advisers to small- and medium-businesses, with over 27,000 clients. We have the complexity out of workplace legislation to help small-scale business organization employers protect their business and their people.

Oft Asked Questions

  • What Is An Overtime Rate?

    Overtime is when an employee works extra hours. It tin include work:

    • beyond the employee's ordinary hours of piece of work
    • outside the agreed number of hours
    • exterior the 'spread' of ordinary hours.

    An overtime rate is college than the ordinary rate. The rate of pay for overtime may differ depending on when it is worked, when overtime rates apply and the applicative charge per unit should be specified in the respective award, registered agreement, or employment contract.

  • How Is Overtime Calculated In Australia?

    Information technology will depend on when the overtime is worked and the provisions in the relevant laurels, registered agreement or employment contract.

  • How Is Overtime Paid In Australia?

    Overtime is payable as proscribed by an award, registered agreement or employment contract.

    However, an employer may not take to pay extra for 'reasonable' overtime if the employee is paid a higher charge per unit of pay to off-ready honour entitlements every bit expressed in their employment contract or registered agreement.

  • Tin can I Ask My Employee To Piece of work Overtime?

    Yes, an employer tin request that an employee works reasonable overtime.

  • Can An Employee Pass up To Piece of work Overtime?

    Yes, an employee can refuse to work overtime, if the request is unreasonable.

  • Can I Burn down An Employee For Refusing To Piece of work Overtime?

    It will depend on the circumstances. For more information, please call Employsure on 1300 207 182.

  • What Is Considered Reasonable Overtime In Australia?

    Overtime will likely exist considered reasonable if there are no wellness and prophylactic implications and the following is taken into account:

    • the employee's personal situation, including their family responsibilities
    • the workplace's needs
    • if the employee is entitled to receive overtime payments or punishment rates for working the extra hours
    • if they are paid at a higher charge per unit on the understanding that they work some overtime
    • if the employee was given enough observe that they may have to work overtime
    • if the employee has already stated they can't ever work overtime
    • the usual patterns of work in the industry.

    Ultimately what is reasonable turns on the facts and circumstances of each private situation.

  • Is Making My Employee Piece of work Overtime The Best Option?

    Not necessarily. There may be health and rubber issues if an employee is required to work long hours, for example fatigue, increased take a chance of injury or even mental health issues. Working excessive overtime can bear upon productivity and an employee's work-life balance, leading to a disgruntled employee.

  • Can Overtime Be Paid As Time In Lieu?

    Some awards or agreements may allow an employee to take paid time off, instead of receiving overtime pay. This is commonly known as 'fourth dimension off in lieu'. If employers opt for this approach, it needs to be established in writing with the employee's consent and see any laurels or understanding requirements.


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